VRHA YEAR END FINALS REINING SHOW – DOUBLE HI POINTS SHOW Saturday 28th NOVEMBER 2015 WerribeeParkNational Equestrian Centre The Victorian Reining Horse Association Inc. mission is to promote and support the sport of reining in the state of Victoria. Reining, one of the most popular and fastest growing equine events in the world is open to all breeds of horses and is designed to show the athletic ability of the horse within the confines of a show arena. Reining can be a sport for the entire family from the youngest to the most senior member.
reining show Archives - Horse Lovers Only.com
VICTORIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW & SOUTHERN DERBY NRHA APPROVED (Continental Affiliate Qualifying Show ) Thursday 12th, Friday 13th, Saturday 14th MARCH 2015 The Victorian Reining Horse Association Inc. mission is to promote and support the sport of reining in the state of Victoria. Reining, one of the most popular and fastest growing equine events in the world is open to all breeds of horses and is designed to show the athletic ability of the horse within the confines of a show arena. Reining can be a sport for the entire family from the youngest to the most senior member.
VRHA $HOW ME THE MONEY REINING $HOW $500 ADDED, JACKPOTS & HI POINTS REINING AUSTRALIA APPROVED Saturday 21st FEBRUARY 2015 WerribeeParkNational Equestrian Centre The Victorian Reining Horse Association Inc. mission is to promote and support the sport of reining in the state of Victoria. Reining, one of the most popular and fastest growing equine events in the world is open to all breeds of horses and is designed to show the athletic ability of the horse within the confines of a show arena. Reining can be a sport for the entire family from the youngest to the most senior member.
VRHA SLIDE INTO SUMMER JACKPOT REINING SHOW – DOUBLE HI POINTS SHOW REINING AUSTRALIA APPROVED JUDGE: PAM SPOKES WerribeePark National Equestrian Centre 31st January 2015 The Victorian Reining Horse Association Inc. mission is to promote and support the sport of reining in the state of Victoria. Reining, one of the most popular and fastest growing equine events in the world is open to all breeds of horses and is designed to show the athletic ability of the horse within the confines of a show arena. Reining can be a sport for the entire family from the youngest to the most…