PLENTY VALLEY QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION Saturday 10th January 2015, 9.00am Start Lancefield Equestrian Reserve, Millers Road, Lancefield Judge: Bev O’Keefe Trail Judge: Teish Andrea The Quarter Horse has been described as not just a horse but as a member of the family. Our club recognises the special qualities of the Quarter Horse and we work toward encouraging and supporting the breed in the Plenty Valley district North East of Melbourne. As a club member you are supported by other members who live in the area and have been in the industry for many years. We are an affiliated club with…
Quarter Horse Archives - Horse Lovers
Hosted by ASB of KS to benefit Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Salina. “The best all-breed horse show in Kansas!” October 10, 2014 to October 12, 2014 Ag Hall at Kenwood Park, Salina, Kansas About Our Show: Classes for ASB, Arab/Half-Arab, Morgan, QH, Appy, Pinto, Mini, Pal/Buck/Dun for halter, saddle seat, hunt, and western. Added $$ ASB 3G, 5G, Park and FH stakes!Host show of KS and OK ASB futurities! Academy classes! Costume class! Duck Chuck! Silent Auction! QUALIFIER CLASS ENTRY FEE: $15. STAKE CLASS ENTRY FEE: $25. Breeds For Which We Offer Classes: American Saddlebred, Appaloosa, Arabian- Half…
September 19, 2014 to September 19, 2014 Orange, California About Our Show: Team Sorting at 6 p.m. 5 runs/$25 or 1/$7 Daily awards to Novice & Open. Beginners Welcome! No Membership Fees! Seating for spectators – see you there! Breeds For Which We Offer Classes: ALL BREEDS, Paint, Pony, Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred