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Six Day “Camp Ride” Dec 17th – 22nd

17 December 2014 @ 8:00 am - 22 December 2014 @ 5:00 pm


Six Day “Camp Ride” Dec 17th – 22nd Exploring wonderful private Cattle Properties! Optional John Chatterton Clinics every evening to solve trail horse behavioural problems. Email Jo with any questions at joannabrown777@gmail.com Join us with your horse for this FANTASTIC DEC. Trail Riding Camp.

About John Chatterton
Australia’s own renowned horseman and author John Chatterton has spent the last 30 years working with young and problem horses. He enjoys passing on his knowledge to his clients, creating better relationships for horses and their owners.
John believes that horses have a great need for a comfort zone. He bases his training on affiliative leadership rather than dominant leadership, so that the handler or rider becomes the comfort zone for the horse.
John is the author of “John Chatterton’s Ten Commandments” which introduces the reader to his unique ten step training system.



DEC Wed.17th Race Track “Benwerrin”
4.30 Ride Out Back 5.30 pm
Thurs 18th Weatherly Cattle Property
6 am Ride Out Back 10.30 am
Fri 19th Albert River Dairy to Biddaddaba
5 am Ride Out Back 11.30 am
Sat 20th Christmas Creek Ridge Ride
5 am Ride Out Back 10.30 am
Sun 21st Lost World Ride
5 am Drive Out with floats 6.30 am Ride Out Back at Floats for Tea/Coffee 10.30 am
Mon 22nd Waterfall Ride
6 am Drive Out with floats 7 a.m Ride Out Back at Floats on River for Brunch 10.30a.m Head home after Brunch – say? 12.30p.m

CAMPING FACILITIES at our farm..There are plenty of safe post & rail yards for the horses but if these run out – electric yards can be made (bring yours if you have them). We have lots of water for washing the horses off, wash-bay etc. There are two loos, one hot out-door shower, electricity, shady trees, and lovely views to Lamington National Park in the 3-4 acre Paddock, where you & the horses will camp

COSTS for Camping is $25 per person & $5 per horse..per night…all rides included. Partners that do not ride are just $25 per/night. DAY Riders are $20 each. You pay cash on arrival & sign an Indemnity form.

You need to email joannabrown777@gmail.com to tell me the names of anybody coming with you and if any of you have more than one horse (some bring two and rest one etc). You need to send me your mobile phone no. so I can call you if you are not here for “ RIDE OUT” time (we are about having fun so we wait etc…but need to know where people are).

You can do the complete camp.

If you want to do part of it, then you need to tell me which day you will be arriving and if you want to do the ride on that day – and the day you want to go & again if you will be doing the ride on the leaving day.

Lastly we take 10 DAY RIDERS – they arrive for the ride & depart after (tea/coffee – beer in the Garden) the ride! They may also stay for the evening clinic.

CAMP & RIDE folks are limited to 20..though with John Chatterton here for the Dec. Camp, over the holidays, we may increase a little – but not much!

JOHN CHATTERTON – Trail Riding Workshop – optional extra!

JOHN CHATTERTON – has a wonderful, simple system for solving any problems we might have with our horses on trail rides! For people interested he will demonstrate techniques, in the cool of the afternoons about 4.30 p.m. in the big training yards here. (i.e. what to do if your horse “pulls” or “plays-up”, “kicks”, “bolts” or ‘’is a difficult horse to load” etc )

COSTS: John is now considered one of the best – and his workshops can cost $1000s!! He has given us an amazingly reasonable offer..depending on how many want his input – he has asked for only $100 an hour! This means if 10 Riders are involved we pay just $10 an hour for the workshop.. in the yards during the cool of the late afternoon.

John will back up the Workshop learning, with practical demonstrations on the Trail Rides.

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17 December 2014 @ 8:00 am
22 December 2014 @ 5:00 pm
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075544 9111


AUS - QLD - Queensland


Picturesque Kerry Valley
Kerry Road, Lamington, Beaudesert QLD Australia
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075544 9111