Michael Wilson Clinic To be held by Border Branch ASHS 11th – 12th October 2014 Delungra NSW
Border Branch Michael Wilson Adult Clinic
Michael’s Clinics are always sought after and his wealth of knowledge matches his winning performances in National ASH and Campdraft.
A chance to gain quality experience from one of our greatest horsemen.
In this clinic Michael will be working on horsemanship skills, this being the grounding for all disciplines.
The cost of this clinic is $250.00. All riding gear should be in good condition.
If you are not an Australian Stock Horse Society member you will need to purchase a day membership which will cover you for the 2 days of riding.
Camping available at the Delungra Recreation Grounds at $15.00 for the weekend. Limited power and no stables.
Enquiries to:
Jill Brown: 02 67248361
Ziz Williams: 02 67248599