Lucinda Green Clinic to be held in SA on 18th & 19th of February 2015!
Eventing SA
is delighted to announce that
Lucinda Green MBE
is returning to Adelaide for another cross country clinic
Lucinda needs no introduction as she has won Badminton a record six times,
five World Championship Gold Medals, plus many other major 3DEs .
The clinics Lucinda conducts focus on developing skills that help the horse learn to look after itself on course, giving both horse & rider the best chance of getting around the course safely and under time.
Lucinda is great at “seeing” each horse and rider combination, giving each student individual specific skills to work on.
The clinic will be held on
Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19h February 2014
at Reynella
We are seeking expressions of interest from riders wanting to attend
Sessions will be for groups of 4/5 riders for 2 hours per day.
Places are only available for riders able to attend both days.
Cost will be $180.00 per day.
If you are interested in attending please notify either
Judy Whyntie –
Caroline Jones –
We anticipate the Clinic will fill very quickly