Gawler Trail Horse Riders Club – chrismas ride – Pinkerton Plains
Location: Pinkerton Plains south australia
FROM : Dec 14 2014 at 10:00 AM
Until : Dec 14 2014 at 10:00 PM
The Gawler Trail Horse Riders Club encourages a non competitive, social & responsible trail riding environment. Members have all sorts of horses from Pony to Draft & saddlery from English to Western & all sorts in between. Trail rides include beach, road, paddock, moonlight, sunrise & forest to name a few, usually lasting for around 3 hours (some longer rides also), mostly walk & trot but some are a bit faster, group size varies (average ~8). The social atmosphere of our rides finishes with a get together for lunch & a chat.
Club trail rides are held at least once each month (3rd & 5th Sunday), Training days are usually held quarterly & camps approx 3-4 times per year (1st Sunday). Dinner & a meeting is held in Gawler each month (2nd Thursday) & a monthly newsletter is sent to members.